Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Loophole u never knew about : DEH

This works on WIn 2000 & WIN XP. Dis can be used to gain access to the website you want to for free, and how you can gain access to 'control panel', and the various other tools of Widows that may have been blocked from your grasp like 'regedit' by the administrator. IT can be used in schools & colleges.. When u are at the log on screen, type in your username and password. NOW When you hit enter, and it comes up with the next screen, the rectangle one, immediatly pull out the network cable i.e. the cable wire. Now u can log on without any restrictions because when the cable is pulled off then it does not download any settings from the server. Now you have access to control panel, & all the other features which had been blocked BUT there will be no network access. But that's cool because now we can access 'Internet options', click in the 'connections' tab click the LAN settings, click the proxy settings, and in the little white box at the bottom we can specify websites that bypass the proxy server (eg Now once you have changed the settings to what you wish, apply them and restart the computer. Now get someone else to log onto it because if you log in it will load the cached settings from your previous log in, then after the other person logs in, everyone that logs in after them included themselves will have the internet settings you specified. Its only an 'Unplugging technique' to gain access to a comp. locked by the administrator. Now you can gain access to msconfig, regedit, command etc disable the virus scanner, or to install a trojan or a virus according to u're will..
XP HOME ADVANCED FILE PERMISSIONS.!!Access *Advance file Permissions* on NTFS file systems for XP Home simply by booting into *Safe Mode*, rt-clicking any file or folder, and navigating to the *Security tab*. This gives the user the ability to allow or deny read, write, execute, read & write, display contents, full-control, iheritance, and take ownership permissions, with many more options available to apply to different users and groups stored on the computer. Well, you don't have to do this in *Safe Mode* (XP Home). Although it is a little less intuitive, you can simply go to your command prompt - Start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt. Now type "cacls" in the window (without the quotes). This gives you the ability to add, remove or modify file permissions on files and folders through the command prompt. Type "cacls /?" for help on different options and variables. You do not need to be in safe mode to use this so it makes it a little quicker than using the safe mode security tab GUI. Remember - this only applies to NTFS. Here also is a very useful link to find a lot of extras and tweaks straight from the horse's mouth - the Microsoft Resource Center. You will find a lot of very useful web-based extra's here, most of them left unknowing to the general public - such as, "Online Crash Analysis" - a site that looks like Windows Update but you can upload your crash "dump logs" (when you get those system or application crash error reports). Microsoft will then analyze the log file and tell you some more info about WHY the system crashed (ie. faulty hardware/software/conflicts, etc).
Administrator like account

This article introduce very simple way to get Administrator like account and do the job and after finish recover your way, after that Get Admin Password later in your home by Cracking, After get the Admin Password Create a hidden user account and do all your jobs free, and Explain how to make a USB Storage Device Bootable corresponding to any system boot, and how to bypass Mother Board password by Default Passwords, and how to extract it if you are in the system
2-To Hackers / Security Systems Engineers
First All must know that both Hackers / Security Systems Engineers Are 2 faces to the same coin Any way, I try this on Windows XP SP2 I want all to try it on Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista Any Windows NT and POST a Message to make all know what versions exactly this idea can apply for
3-Close Look to hole
Microsoft stores all Security Information in many files but the main file is the SAM file (Security Accounts Manager)! this file contain critical information about users account you can explore the folder
You will find all things and may discover some thing new, but what amazing here is that the file is available, so we can apply our idea You will Not be able To copy them Under XP
4-Dose Microsoft Know and Why!?
Yes Microsoft Know all things, and done on purpose why? I always for many years ask my self why Microsoft doesn’t do real security on their systems from the CD setup to all security aspects In the system, I found(my opinion may wrong)that they need to achieve 2 strategic things

1-They need their software spread and all depend on it and in one day when they feel that they are the One The security will done and all money will go to One Pocket

2-They Forced/Like to Make Some Organizations Hack other systems

They can make this File SAM Unavailable by storing the information in FAT, FAT32, NTFS Areas (Sectors reserved by The Operating SYSTEM to Store the Addresses of the files on the HardDisk File Allocation Table) So that it is hard to extract. But they don't!!!!!
5-Understand the Idea
The Idea is simple I will explain it manually and it can then be programmed it is so easy here is the idea

The SAM file is available and the SAM file contain a Security Information, so I created a Free Windows XP SP2 Logon account (Administrator Account without password) that means when windows Lunch it Will enter directly to the system without asking about any password And windows will store this Account in The SAM file on My PC So the SAM file on My PC contain an Account will Make you enter Directly to the Windows, so I will take My SAM File and Replace (by renaming, we will need the original file to recover our way) It with the other SAM File in The Other System or Machine So When you restart It will make you enter directly to the Windows With Administrator Like Account ,do what you need and then back all things to the previous state. All These Steps will be under other system bootable DOS, Knoppiex, Windows Live CD, Because Windows XP will not make u able to copy the Files
6-Get Admin Like Account (The Simple Way)

1- Download My 2 SAM files I Include them in Downloads
2- Go to the target Machine , and try to Access it and Boot from any device CD-ROM, Floppy.
3- After Get Access to the Boot Command prompt c:> or Boot Live OS CD, Go to the windows folder $windir$\system32\config And Copy the SAM File and System File (we will need it later) To other folder, Then go to $windir$\repair copy SAM file
And then Rename the 2 SAM Files to SAM1 in their original places
4- Copy My SAM/config File and Paste it in the windows folder $windir$\system32\config Copy My SAM/Repair File and Paste it in the windows folder $windir$\repair (may this step not required)
5- Reboot and Make windows enter Normally
6- Yeah, No You are in The System
7- Copy the files in step 3 to Floppy Disk or Flash Stick Or Send it to your mail via Internet
8- After finish repeat step 2 and delete My SAM files and Rename Both SAM1 to SAM
9- Reboot , Congratulation you recover your way
7-Crack the SAM-Know the real Admin Password and Apply Hint 8
There is many ways I will introduce 2 ways and explain 1 After you get the SAM File and System File there are Programs That extract the Accounts and their passwords, depending on the idea of cracking the HASH (the HASH is one way encryption method) so that The program will generate random passwords and convert them to HASH and then compare it with the HASHES in the SAM File , so it may take a long time but for fast you will pay more money for ready made HASHES with their user names and passwords the 2 program are

1-L0phtcrack v4.0 (LC4 alternate name) the most famous on the NET
2-SAMInside include on the Downloads

I will explain fast SAMInside

This is the main window press Ctrl+O or by mouse click Import SAM and SYSTEM

Window will open to import the 2 files and the program will start to crack the Accounts and get them, and then display users names and their passwords

Any other tool will do the job try all and select your best I Explain here SAMInside because he give me results with 6 character only password and get it FAST

8-Creat a Hidden User Accountn
Windows NT / Windows 2000 and Windows XP has a security setting to hide accounts from the Logon Screen/Control panel users accounts
Give you another Access Dialog


1-After getting Admin Password enter to the system
2-create an Account with password
3-click start - > Run - > type Regedit press Enter
4-Go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

5- Create a new DWORD Value on the UserList
6-Name it with Name of Account to be Hidden
7-set the Value Data of this DWORD Value to 0 to hide it /1 to appear it
8- close Regedit and Reboot
9- Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete when logon Screen Appear another login dialog appear type You hidden user name and password and press Enter


1- the account profile will be visible in \Documents and Settings, But it will be hidden from Logon Screen and User Account in the control panel

2-there is other method that Inject your Account directly to the Admin SAM without know the Admin Pass, but believe me you don't Expect the result, so if you want try it (if the password hard to get)
9-USB Boot for FAT32, NTFS or any File System

HP Always amazing me to do this we need 2 tools

1- HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool v 2.0.6 I include in Downloads If u want to find more go to
2- NTFSDOS Professional Boot Disk Wizard I include in Downloads If u want to find more go to

Just connect your USB Storage
1- Prepare a Startup Disk or Startup CD , Or any Equivalent
2- In the HP tool select the Device->your USB Storage
3- Select File System FAT or FAT32
4- Check "create a DOS startup disk" checkbox and then select option "using DOS System Files Located at"
5- brows your location
6- Click Start
7- Now you have a Bootable USB Storage Device
8- Now in the NTFSDOS Professional Boot Disk Wizard follow the wizard and you will get a NTFS bootable USB Storage

Why we need NTFS ?
If the Partition of the Windows System is NTFS so with normal Startup you will not be able to access any files because the File System is not Recognized by MS-DOS when we install NTFSDOS Professional on the bootable disk it will allow you To Access any File Under NTFS

Make sure that the option in Mother board Setup of First Boot "USB-Hard Disk" if you want to boot from a USB
Ha4king "admin" from "user" mode n more

one stop compilation for Hacking

really that is possible !

u know why is it a "user" account because it lacks come service layer than that in "administrator" account

Using simple command line tools on a machine running Windows XP we will obtain system level privileges, and run the entire explorer process (Desktop), and all processes that run from it have system privileges. The system run level is higher than administrator, and has full control of the operating system and it’s kernel. On many machines this can be exploited even with the guest account. At the time I’m publishing this, I have been unable to find any other mention of people running an entire desktop as system, although I have seen some articles regarding the SYSTEM command prompt.

Local privilege escalation is useful on any system that a hacker may compromise; the system account allows for several other things that aren’t normally possible (like resetting the administrator password).

The Local System account is used by the Windows OS to control various aspects of the system (kernel, services, etc); the account shows up as SYSTEM in the Task Manager

Local System differs from an Administrator account in that it has full control of the operating system, similar to root on a *nix machine. Most System processes are required by the operating system, and cannot be closed, even by an Administrator account; attempting to close them will result in a error message. The following quote from Wikipedia explains this in a easy to understand way:

You can trick the system into running a program, script, or batch file with system level privileges.

One sample

One trick is to use a vulnerability in Windows long filename support.
Try placing an executable named Program.*, in the root directory of the "Windows" drive. Then reboot. The system may run the Program.*, with system level privileges. So long as one of the applications in the "Program Files" directory is a startup app. The call to "Program Files", will be intercepted by Program.*.

Microsoft eventually caught on to that trick. Now days, more and more, of the startup applications are being coded to use limited privileges.


In Windows NT and later systems derived from it (Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista), there may or may not be a superuser. By default, there is a superuser named Administrator, although it is not an exact analogue of the Unix root superuser account. Administrator does not have all the privileges of root because some superuser privileges are assigned to the Local System account in Windows NT.

Under normal circumstances, a user cannot run code as System, only the operating system itself has this ability, but by using the command line, we will trick Windows into running our desktop as System, along with all applications that are started from within.
Getting SYSTEM
I will now walk you through the process of obtaining SYSTEM privileges.
To start, lets open up a command prompt (Start > Run > cmd > [ENTER]).
At the prompt, enter the following command, then press [ENTER]:


If it responds with an “access denied” error, then we are out of luck, and you’ll have to try another method of privilege escalation; if it responds with “There are no entries in the list” (or sometimes with multiple entries already in the list) then we are good. Access to the at command varies, on some installations of Windows, even the Guest account can access it, on others it’s limited to Administrator accounts. If you can use the at command, enter the following commands, then press [ENTER]:

at 15:25 /interactive “cmd.exe”

Lets break down the preceding code. The “at” told the machine to run the at command, everything after that are the operators for the command, the important thing here, is to change the time (24 hour format) to one minute after the time currently set on your computers clock, for example: If your computer’s clock says it’s 4:30pm, convert this to 24 hour format (16:30) then use 16:31 as the time in the command. If you issue the at command again with no operators, then you should see something similar to this:

When the system clock reaches the time you set, then a new command prompt will magically run. The difference is that this one is running with system privileges (because it was started by the task scheduler service, which runs under the Local System account). It should look like this:

You’ll notice that the title bar has changed from cmd.exe to svchost.exe (which is short for Service Host). Now that we have our system command prompt, you may close the old one. Run Task Manager by either pressing CTRL+ALT+DELETE or typing taskmgr at the command prompt. In task manager, go to the processes tab, and kill explorer.exe; your desktop and all open folders should disappear, but the system command prompt should still be there.
At the system command prompt, enter in the following:


A desktop will come back up, but what this? It isn’t your desktop. Go to the start menu and look at the user name, it should say “SYSTEM”. Also open up task manager again, and you’ll notice that explorer.exe is now running as SYSTEM. The easiest way to get back into your own desktop, is to log out and then log back in. The following 2 screenshots show my results (click to zoom):

System user name on start menu

explorer.exe running under SYSTEM

What to do now
Now that we have SYSTEM access, everything that we run from our explorer process will have it too, browsers, games, etc. You also have the ability to reset the administrators password, and kill other processes owned by SYSTEM. You can do anything on the machine, the equivalent of root; You are now God of the Windows machine. I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination.


When you install Windows XP an Administrator Account is created (you are asked to supply an administrator password), but the "Welcome Screen" does not give you the option to log on as Administrator unless you boot up in Safe Mode.
First you must ensure that the Administrator Account is enabled:
1 open Control Panel
2 open Administrative Tools
3 open Local Security Policy
4 expand Local Policies
5 click on Security Options
6 ensure that Accounts: Administrator account status is enabled Then follow the instructions from the "Win2000 Logon Screen Tweak" ie.
1 open Control Panel
2 open User Accounts
3 click Change the way users log on or log off
4 untick Use the Welcome Screen
5 click Apply Options
You will now be able to log on to Windows XP as Administrator in Normal Mode.


Start the Registry Editor Go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ UserList \
Right-click an empty space in the right pane and select New > DWORD Value Name the new value Administrator. Double-click this new value, and enter 1 as it's Value data. Close the registry editor and restart.